Fiction and Poetry




Claire Hsu Accomando

Evaporation is a gift. Claire Hsu Accomando writes with wonder, precision, and cinematic wisdom. The remembrances and stories of China, France, and America are rendered with tenderness, intelligence, and joy. What a remarkable life there is inside this book, the poet's expansive heart.   —Lee Herrick, California Poet Laureate

Claire Hsu Accomando was born in Switzerland to a Chinese father and French-Armenian mother. She spent her early childhood in rural France, separated from her father who was in China during WWII. Her memories of the war years are collected in her memoir, Love and Rutabaga. Accomando's poetry has appeared in Atlanta Review, San Diego Poetry Annual, Toyon, Bullets into Bells and other publications. Her artwork has appeared in Three Hearts, Moon Water, and JustArts: Call & Response. Her nonfiction has been published in Ararat, Critical Flame, Artweek, and elsewhere. Accomando lives in Bonita, CA, and defines poetry as distillation: You start out with a truckload of potatoes and end up with a shot of vodka.



Chile, en particular

Chile, en particular

Lilianet Brintrup Hertling

Chile, en particular o “gritar en chileno como [lo hacen] los piñones, el mote, los pájaros y las empanadas, tal vez como murmuraban el huemul y la razón”, de Lilianet Brintrup Hertling, es un libro que sorprenderá al lector. Sus referencias geográficas, históricas, culturales, culinarias y biográficas comienzan con la manducación: se mastican, se tragan, se degluten formando un bolo alimenticio inmediatamente descriptivo, valorativo y etopéyico.



Quiebres en California Book

Quiebres en California

Lilianet Brintrup Hertling

"To write in order to understand” is the motto that propelled the writing of this volume. The four parts of the book portray nature, cities and their inhabitants, in a constant journey between Northern California and Southern Chile. This poetic discourse collects fragments of a life dedicated to travel and to the observation of the natural and cultural environment from the point of view of a traveler who is “just passing by” the Californian territory.

Escribir para entender, fue el moto que impulsó la escritura de este volumen. Las cuatro partes del libro tematizan la naturaleza, las ciudades y sus habitantes, en un constante viaje de ida y vuelta por el norte de California y el sur de Chile. Dicho discurso poético recoge fragmentos de una vida dedicada al viaje y a la observación del medio natural y cultural al estilo de un(a) viajero(a) que “está de paso” por el territorio californiano.



 Peacekeepers Book

Peacekeepers: A Humboldt Love Story

Jeff Conner

He’s a small town police officer, committed to law and order.

She’s an activist, outlaw, and free spirit.

They live in close proximity, but their lives are worlds apart.

But together they undertake a journey of the heart, one that will take them to places unanticipated.


Growland Book


Lelia Moskowitz

In 2002, Celeste flees the city and the latest disaster in her marriage. Looking for refuge in the remote hills of Northern California, she unwittingly immerses herself and her innocent daughters in a community of illicit marijuana growers. With nowhere else to go, Celeste scrambles to find safety and stability for her and her daughters in an isolated realm of secrets and silence.





Far Less Book

Far Less

Kathy Wollenberg

From atop a towering redwood tree, seventeen-year-old Jesse can see beyond the difficult reality of his life on the ground. Homeless, Jesse camps in the forest with his drug-addicted mom and little sister. Diligent about showering, laundry, and school work, Jesse is determined to keep his circumstances a secret. But one girl cares enough to find out the truth.




 Song of Six Rivers

Song of Six Rivers

Zev Levinson

Song of Six Rivers relates one man’s life-changing experiences throughout the Humboldt Bay region of northern California, depicting the area’s geography and history along the way, through both poetry and archival photography. When the muse of this epic poem, Guy Kuttner, died unexpectedly, Zev Levinson heard his voice imploring him to sing of the land they both love. As a roving teacher, Zev had come to know the Six Rivers terrain and communities intimately. He put his pen to the task of meeting Guy’s daunting challenge, confronting mortality and loss as he ventured to understand our connection to earth. At its heart, this endeavor strives to weave poetry into the everyday lives of those who dwell behind the redwood curtain.