Open Access Journals
The Chanterelle
ISBN 1962081095
The Chanterelle showcases the written work of Environmental Studies majors at Cal Poly Humboldt. Each contributing author enrolled in “ENST 395W: Research & Analysis for Environmental Studies” during the 2023-2024 academic year. While each student chose their own topic, they were prompted to write for a public audience. Specifically, they were encouraged to write for a friend, co-worker, roommate, sibling, or any other family member. Our intended audience in this magazine is thus public. We hope you enjoy this collective project. It is the outcome of course readings, research, and peer edits.
CouRaGeouS Cuentos: A Journal of Counternarratives
ISSN 2689-1824
This journal is a publication by the Department of Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies (CRGS) at Cal Poly Humboldt with submissions of creative writing works by students in the Ethnic Studies 107: Chican@ / Latin@ Lives and Ethnic Studies 480: Growing Up Chicana/Latino classes.

The CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change
ISSN 2771-5582
The Chancellor’s Office of Sustainability and Department of Research has collaborated with the Press at Cal Poly Humboldt to launch the new peer-reviewed CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change.
We will accept submissions of full papers. Please review Submission Guidelines and Copyright and Permissions for more details.
Career and Curriculum Connections: integrating career education across the disciplines
There is currently little available in terms of literature and research addressing career curriculum, practices related to teaching career readiness, or the pedagogical benefits of adding career components to existing courses. The vast majority of resources and literature approaches career services on college campuses through the lens of psychology, counseling and advising. While this is understandable, the demands for increased marketability of bachelors’ degrees have led to innovation and collaboration that has brought career services out of the periphery and into the field of academic affairs.
In efforts to address these needs, this working paper series is designed to enable a broader conversation about career curriculum and support anyone who works in this field as faculty, professional staff, or students on the receiving end of our collective efforts.

Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities
ISSN 2767-2700
Redwood Writing Project and Redwood Council Teachers of English co-sponsor this annual event! This contest has been a tradition of the Redwood Council of CATE for many years now and is an opportunity for young writers to compete for recognition and publication of their work as well as to showcase their writing abilities to a broader audience. See the Redwood Writing Contents website for more information.
Explore the 2018 winners here.
Explore the 2019 winners here.
Academic Labor: Research and Artistry
ISSN 2380-2081
Academic Labor: Research and Artistry is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal launched in 2016 by the Center for the Study of Academic Labor (CSAL) at Colorado State University. ALRA is supported through a generous grant from CSU Open Press. The journal seeks to motivate ongoing research on matters relating to tenure and contingency in the academy. Along with our center and web site, we seek to become a research home for those undertaking scholarship in areas broadly defined as tenure studies and contingency studies. To meet this objective, we encourage a wide range of contributions, from the statistical to the historic/archival, from the theoretical to the applied, from the researched to the creative, and from empirical to essayist forms. Our editors and reviewers include social scientists, artists, and theorists specializing in labor issues.

Humboldt Geographic
ISSN 2767-2654
Humboldt Geographic is the Cal Poly Humboldt Geography department’s annual journal of student research and creative projects. Run entirely by students, Humboldt Geographic showcases the work of emerging researchers, cartographers, and storytellers, along with contributions from alumni and faculty.
For further information, please contact Humboldt Geographic faculty advisor Dr. Matthew Derrick or Dr. Nicholas Perdue.

Humboldt Journal of Social Relations
ISSN 0160-4341
The Humboldt Journal of Social Relations (HJSR) is a peer-reviewed, free online journal housed in the Department of Sociology at Cal Poly Humboldt. All HJSR issues are archived and searchable through JSTOR.
Thank you to all the author teams who submitted article proposals for the HJSR 2023 50th Anniversary Edition: "Becoming a Polytechnic." The editorial team has communicated decisions and will be working through 2022 with teams invited to develop full articles.

IdeaFest: Interdisciplinary Journal of Creative Works and Research from Cal Poly Humboldt
ISSN 2689-1891
IdeaFest Journal is an annual, peer-reviewed journal that showcases the work of faculty, staff, and students at Cal Poly Humboldt. The journal is an outgrowth of Cal Poly Humboldt’s IdeaFest, a day-long event which celebrates the collaborative research and creative projects of faculty and students from across campus.
The journal is open to all members of the Cal Poly Humboldt community, regardless of involvement in ideaFest events. The two ideaFest Journal deadlines are two weeks after the end of Fall and Spring semesters.

Journal, Arcata High School, The World "The way we saw it"
ISSN 2689-1859
Welcome to The World "The way we saw it." This publication showcases research and creative student work across Arcata High School.
Click the title to download a free digital version of the book
To order a print copy of the book, click here.

Journal, HSU World Languages and Cultures, The World "The way we saw it"
ISSN 2689-1840
Welcome to The World "The way we saw it." This publication showcases research and creative student work across the HSU Department of World Languages and Cultures.
Click the title to download a free digital version of the book. To see previous versions of the book, select the volume year from the left-side menu.
To order a print copies of any The World "The way we saw it" publication, click here.
Pracademics: Journal of Applied and Scholarly Genocide Prevention
Introductory text for Pracademics: Journal of Applied and Scholarly Genocide Prevention.

Redwood Roots Digital Magazine
ISSN 2767-1224
Welcome to a digital magazine about community engaged learning at Cal Poly Humboldt and stories of service in Humboldt County. Every year around a thousand students serve in the community or work on projects that benefit our local community, enhancing our college experience in the process. These are some of the best, untold stories of our time here together.
We invite you to share your story. If you are wondering if your experience is what we are hoping for, please send it in, it probably is.
Click to read:

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Innovative Pedagogy
ISSN 2689-1913
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Discovery, Reflection, and Evidence-Based Higher Education Teaching/Learning Methods and Research, Focusing on Innovative Pedagogy.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Innovative Pedagogy is a journal published by Cal Poly Pomona for the promotion of scholarly pursuits in innovative teaching and learning. The journal is edited by a review board of staff and faculty, and double-blind peer-reviewed by subject experts.

The International Journal of Ecopsychology (IJE)
ISSN 2767-1380
The International Journal of Ecopsychology (IJE) is an evidence-based publishing venue for interdisciplinary and field-specific approaches termed “ecopsychological.” IJE publishes theory, research, and application articles on human-natural spaces affiliatory interactions/dynamics—nature estrangement and/or alienation. Both terms, “eco” and “psychology,” are critically approached, scientifically emphasized and equally regarded. IJE welcomes diverse evidence-based and critical thinking perspectives from academics and researchers around the world. A previous and more modest circulation, "Amaranda," first published in 2007, under the auspices of what was then, the European Ecopsychology Society (EES), became the seed idea for IJE with a new mission: to, in a deconstructive and critical thinking manner, curate and publish original work that aims at readdressing the oftentimes all-too-worn terms "self," "nature," "nature connection," and "society."
See Our "Aims and Scope" Statements Aims and Scope
ISSN 2767-1380
Call for Papers, May, 2022, Vol. 4(1). See details here:

Toyon: Multilingual Literary Magazine
ISSN 2640-4176
Toyon is a multilingual journal of literature and art that is edited and produced by Cal Poly Humboldt students from all disciplines. While Toyon receives submissions from all over the planet, it is also a journal of North Coast writing and art, and particularly welcomes new voices in many languages. Toyon charges no reading fees, and all selections are made through blind review.