Maasai Dictionary

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By Charles Richmond


This dictionary of English-to-Maa (the language of Maasai peoples of Kenya and Tanzania) was written and compiled by Charles Richmond. It is one of the earliest Maasai dictionaries. The dictionary was developed from 1935 until 1951 while Charles lived in the back country of Kenya colony, East Africa as a subject of the King of England. His stay there began as a Captain in the King’s African Rifles, in which position he fought alongside tribal chiefs in northern Kenya and Ethiopia against the Italian dictator, Mussolini during WWII. Subsequent to his military service, he returned to England to study theology and to be ordained as a minister in the Church of England. He then returned to the Maasai and Samburu tribes of central and northern Kenya colony near Lake Rudolph, as a missionary.




Publication Date

Spring 4-30-2016


Humboldt State University Press




Maasai Kenya Dictionary language Missionary Church of England


African Languages and Societies

Recommended Citation

Richmond, Charles, "Maasai Dictionary" (2016). Archives & Reprint Series (imprint). 2.


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