HJSR JournalBetty Chinn Far LessLGBTA Like Flowerspinetum

“At Humboldt, we want to make a difference, and open access publishing aligns with our vision for social justice and sustainability by reducing costly barriers to connect author and reader, teacher and learner.” 
-Cyril Oberlander, Cal Poly Humboldt Library Dean.


EVYY award

CIPA EVVY Bronze Award for Literary and Contemporary Fiction: Far Less, By Kathy Wollenberg

 Nautilus Award

Nautilus Book Award: Far Less, By Kathy Wollenberg

"A Better Book for a Better World" Award



New Articles

Celeste Sadler, Press Student Marketing


Far Less, Kathy Wollenberg’s debut contemporary novel, has recently won the CIPA EVVY award. Far Less is one of three finalists in the Literary and Contemporary Fiction category of the 2022 CIPA EVVY Awards Book Competition.

This award will be Far Less’s sixth literary award, having previously received two Silver Nautilus Book Awards, a Gold Forward Indies Award, and the Bronze and Gold CIPA EVVY awards.

February 2023

The Press at Cal Poly Humboldt is hiring a student assistant!

We are looking for a undergrad or graduate student interested in publishing, editing, book design and production.

Working in a university press is great for growing technical and interpersonal skills through book layout, thesis editing, author relations and book marketing, and it looks fantastic on a resume.

Check this job out on Handshake




July 2022

IdeaFest has come and gone, but the chance to have your research published in a peer-reviewed academic journal is still open.

Scolarly and creative works from Cal Poly Humboldt students, staff, faculty, and alumni will be considered for publication.

Please check out past issues, and mail your submission to press@humboldt.edu.


May 2022

May 2022

The Press at Cal Poly Humboldt author, Jerry Rohde, and his wife Gisela have made a significant gift to the library, and specifically the Press.

The Jerry and Gisela Rohde Estate will create three endowed charitable funds to support staff positions for the Press, Special Collections & Archives, and the Osher Life Long Learning Institute.

March 2022

For Martha J. Manier, Ph.D., who taught Spanish and Women’s Studies at Humboldt State University, stories have always been a prime interest, from the personal stories of family and friends, to medieval exempla, Spanish and American folktales, and, finally, the microcuentos and short stories of contemporary Latin America. Her translations of the latter have appeared in journals, anthologies, and bilingual editions. Currently, she is a research associate at the Museum of International Folk Art where she also volunteers as a textile cataloger.

March 2022

2023-2024 Ideafest Journal

Ideafest 2023-2024

Recently Published:

IdeaFest Journal is an annual, peer-reviewed journal that showcases the work of faculty, staff, and students at Cal Poly Humboldt. The journal is an outgrowth of Cal Poly Humboldt’s IdeaFest, a day-long event which celebrates the collaborative research and creative projects of faculty and students from across campus.

Download the Journal Here

Purchase the Print Version Here

The Gray Bird Sings: The Extraordinary Life of Betty Kwan Chinn

Betty Chinn Front Cover

“Touched by childhood tragedy, Betty Chinn brings hope to those who have fallen on hard times. Left homeless as a child in China, Chinn became mute. When she came to America, she found both her voice and her mission: aiding those without shelter on our own shores. ”
-Barack Obama

She’s the humanitarian compared to Mother Teresa,
hailed as the “Hong Kong Angel,” and beloved by her
community in Humboldt County. She miraculously
survived the most vile brutalities to become a beacon
for humanity and an inspiration for all.
Meet Betty Kwan Chinn.

Featured Titles

The Press at Cal Poly Humboldt Maintains Three Purposes:

  • Disseminating high quality open works
  • Publishing our community
  • Teaching the art of publishing to our student assistants

If you would like your work to be considered for publication, please visit our submissions page.